Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The renegade owl that almost ruined the weekend.

This just in: 
dateline Parks Highway somewhere on the Fairbanks side of Skinny Dick Half Way Inn Authorities reported picking up a very tipsy Owl hitch hiking to Nenana.  The owl was ranting about an early Saturday morning encounter with a burgundy colored metal monster that was kidnapping his friend Primus the Bear.  The monster (a van) full of ukeleles and hippies was stopped later near talkeetna and they did indeed have the head of a bear but not the bear belonging to the owl. No charges were filed because the bear body was not present and a crazed Ukelele player had worn it the night before. The smell overpowered the authorities who left quickly.  The owl was admitted to a local hospital for a psychological evaluation.

Slightly true story.  We did encounter an owl on the drive that night along with 10 moose.   think this blurb from my bass player really sums up our post awesome opening for Primus drive to Talkeetna. 
This just in: 

Dateline Parks Highway somewhere on the Fairbanks side of Skinny Dick's Half Way Inn Authorities reported picking up a very tipsy Owl hitch hiking to Nenana. The owl was ranting about an early Saturday morning encounter with a burgundy colored metal monster that was kidnapping his friend Primus the Bear. The monster (a van) full of ukuleles and hippies was stopped later near Talkeetna and they did indeed have the head of a bear but not the bear belonging to the owl. No charges were filed because the bear body was not present and a crazed ukulele player had worn it the night before. The smell overpowered the authorities who left quickly. The owl was admitted to a local hospital for a psychological evaluation.

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