Thursday, April 3, 2014

Russ catches dinner

What can I say?  I caught dinner! Most of you who know me are wondering what the hell did I shoot.  Not so fast. This is about bananas. Catching bananas from great heights.  I think you will be slightly amused and disgusted at the same time.  My lovely beautiful wife is the camera lady / commentator. The saw man is my awesome and talented sponsor Tom Parse of Hokukano Ukuleles.  I am the banana snatcher.

I'm still on the journey for a new computer. Lucky for me the awesome laptop I bought at Sam's club crapped the bed a few days into owning it. I all ready have to send it in to the manufacturer and I haven't owned it a week. Arg... first world problems.  I might have to resort to not using my GoPro for video for a bit until I get this computer thing sorted out.

This is my last slow week (slow meaning not a lot of gigs I still have a ton of other stuff to do) before my gigs ramp up again.  Last week was fun playing at the Fur Rhody in Cantwell / Mudbug boil and the Rance Lentz fundraiser at the Clearwater Lodge in Delta Junction.  Two awesome events and they even had a jackass playing ukulele at both of them. I'm serious. A hoofed four legged creature... Okay... ya got me. It was me.

Back to the lot. I am nearly done chainsawing the forest to a nice open field.  Plans to take all the stumps and turn them into a huge half doughnut berm that towers behind the stage of my amphitheater are looking good. Imagine the world's most exclusive ukulele getaway in the heart of Alaska's interior complete with amphitheater? Now that is what dreams are made of.  More to come.