Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Howling Dog Saloon!

After a long long long winter it is that time again. A time when the most legendary biker bar opens for the summer season. God has decided that the time for winter is over and has turned on the summer switch. Even though there is still some snow and some mud in places the season we refer to as "Break Up" is nearly over. The sun is out until after 11pm and life is good in the interior of Alaska. This is how you know it is time for the Howling Dog Saloon to open.

The Howling Dog is and has been my summer Fairbanks area spot since 2008. This rough and tumble, crazy shit on the walls, thousands of names carved into the tables and bar, and the only stage in the world covered in 100% POPE RED CARPET is the most awesome place to enjoy a game of horseshoes, volley ball, or just a night of rock and roll at the world's most norther biker bar in existence. 

The Fairbanks All Stars and I have the pleasure of opening it yet again for the summer season. I have been playing closing and opening weekend for 5 years now. Seems to be a regular occurrence that I absolutely love.  So if you find yourself on your Harley or have a hankering for some rock come on out. I will be playing with the band from 10pm-3am both Friday and Saturday. Yes, that is right a 5 hour gig. All of my foreign friend believe it. 5 hour gigs are what build your chops and put hair on your chest...unless you are lady... then it just makes you bad ass.

HOWLING DOG SALOON -- Friday and Saturday Nights @ 10pm!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Now that I'm back in Alaska for the summer (well it is still winter now, but I'm here for a bit) I have to turn my attention to not only keeping up with all my gigs, but building a house for my lady. My wife has put up with a lot since we moved to Alaska in 2009 and after 5+ years with no running water we are finally ready to build our own place with a shower, sink, and dishwasher. What? No toilet? You are damn right. After 5 years of putting the brown back down where it belongs (the earth is brown and so is....) my wife and I have decided not to go to the bathroom and eat in the same building. This is usually the moral high ground for poor people with no running water here in Alaska, but we will be continuing the tradition of not installing a septic system and just having a shack outside with a hole underneath it. The joys of living in the third world inside of the first. My brother calls it self imposed poverty. I call it... thrifty. ;)

So in between my gigs I have been hauling truck loads of rock from a dirt pit to my property. I have to build some stone channels for drainage and cover all my exposed terraces with rock to avoid an erosion nightmare. Before the snow set in I was about 35-40 loads deep into the project. I have another 8 loads now waiting at the bottom of my driveway for the snow to melt and my driveway to dry out. Hopefully I can get all the stone in before I start on the house. Oh to not live in a 400 square ft cabin. I think a 2200 square ft. house will be nicer. The house that ukulele built. I can't believe that my ukulele is paying for this whole thing. Thanks little buddy. You have been good to me thus far. 

On a side note I have just taken a job with the Golden Wheel Amusements this summer. I will be the ukulele carny for three of their fairs this summer. Bucket list item #46 - Become a carny. Can't wait to check that one off the old bucket list. I got to cup a wombat's ass for my birthday and now this! AWESOME!

Gigs this week:

Solo @ Ivory Jacks on Goldstream in Fairbanks - 9pm Friday
Fairbanks All Stars @ The Marlin in Fairbanks - 10pm Saturday