Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why can't I shoot ravens?

It started yesterday.  The ravens have been squawking all day and night about something.  When I first heard them yesterday afternoon I got excited.  Was there some sort of kill in the woods with perhaps a bear or other animal guarding the carcass?  Ravens get a little flustered when they want something.  So I jumped out from my desk, got on my boots, ran outside and gathered my gear and headed toward the horribly loud racket they were making.  I got about 100 yards from my cabin, almost to the edge of the property and here they came.  Three of them following each other around just squawking annoyingly loud at one another as they flew from tree to tree.  This is now day two with them circling in a 300 yard circle.  Thank god I'm loading up to hit the road for a 5 day stint.  There is no way I can get any thinking here done.

All I can do is yell as loud as them and they could care less.

1 comment:

  1. "Why can't I shoot ravens?"

    Is there a law against it?

    PS I love that you have snow-shoes hung on the wall of your house! :-D
