Friday, December 27, 2013


This is the time of the year I plan very few gigs and I become a recluse cabin dweller out on the outskirts of town.  The wife and I barely go into town unless it is for some necessities.  I literally spend my time watching paint dry and just keep piling wood into the stove.  The lack of vitamin D is apparent.  You really don't know what it does for you unlike you need it.  The temps have finally dropped to around -40F (which is about -40C for my non-American friends) and it makes going outside to get some "D" even harder.  But life goes on.  I will continue sleeping 14+ hours a day until the sun comes back.  It is only a matter of time.  I'll just try to keep busy for the 10 hours I am awake a day.  Got the truck loaded now for a water / propane / trash run.  How I do like driving that truck.  I can't even being to think of how many ukuleles I could haul with that truck...oh the possibilities.  Perhaps I will drive around for the three hours it is light out.  Will that help?  Not too sure.

I'm playing my last two shows of the year this Saturday at the "Pants Off Dance Off" and then the New Years Eve party with the Fairbanks All Stars.  Both gigs are at the infamous basement bar known as the Marlin.  It is a place near and dear to my heart.  Nothing like cool basement clubs where anything goes. I get to play this show with a handful of real Alaskan pros.  It is going to be awesome.

Soon after the new year it is time to head back east to see family and play some interesting gigs.  I can't wait this darkness is getting to me.  Forty below, the ice and snow, and the darknesses.  That's right, there is so much of it that you need to create new words to describe it.  The deep freeze wouldn't be so bad if the sun was actually out.


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