Friday, May 10, 2013

Molding the minds of the next generation one ukulele at a time.

It has been a great few days working with Monica Letner and the students in the music intensive class at the Stellar School in Anchorage.  Here is a pic of me and some of the class!  I have had a lot of fun these past two days exploring the magical properties of music.  I can't even imagine if when I was in school there was some long haired weirdo coming in and talking about ukuleles, drum sets, guitars, chord construction, and quasi-musical Zen.

Being in the big city of Anchorage for a few days has been fun.  We had a great show at Subzero Microlounge last night.  It was good to see everyone having such a good time.  Tomorrow we head down one of North America's most dangerous highways, the Seward Highway.  We have two nights in a row at the world famous Yukon Bar.  I hope the weather is nice.  There is nothing like a nice day in Seward.  I'll be staying a stone's throw from the ocean surrounded by 4000ft mountains.  I will post some pics.

Then Sunday...  The commute home.  500 miles to Fairbanks.  Sunday has been the day I usually try to keep it between the ditches avoiding ice and count wildlife.  Now that winter is gone Sunday will become the day I fish ALL DAY!!!!!  Game on. 

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Wish I went to school in Anchorage and could have benefitted from some of your pearls of wisdom ;-)
