Monday, May 13, 2013


After driving for 500 miles I have finally made it back to Fairbanks.  I thought that after leaving for a week that spring would finally would be in full swing.  It has started for sure, but it is still going sloooooow.  We are still in the middle of brown season.

Now I am back in Squarebanks and am taking it easy.  Time to do the spring clean up outside around the cabin.  Speaking of that... I rediscovered my banana yellow 1977 Toyota Chinook in my yard.  Started first try.

I will post more of my yard gems on the blog this week.  Learn the tools needed to survive in the last ukulele frontier.


  1. I love your Toyota. This is exactly the car that Lee Majors would drive. Can you/do you sleep in it?

  2. Of course I can sleep in it!!! It is my guest bedroom at the cabin. If you were to come visit you would be sleeping in the Chinook. It has a pop top too. It is 6'3" in the back of it with the top up.
