There is something satisfying in building your own home. As many of my ukulele professional colleagues continue to tour the globe in an endless circuit of ukulele festivals I am taking some time off from the grind to erect my new abode. For six years my beautiful wife and I have made sacrifices, cut corners, and lived without running water for the ability to rat stash enough cash to buy some land and build our own home. Let's face it folks, I play ukulele for a living and a bank would never loan me the money. Two reasons, one is that I'm not a professional guitar player. The second is I play ukulele for a living. For some strange reason they look at me as a bad investment. ;)
Finally, over two years since we bought the raw land, a building is starting to form. It didn't really set in until my friend and I lifted the third wall on the first floor into place.
The major issue is, winter is coming, and it looks like it is coming fast. There is all ready been snow storms a few hundred miles north of us in the Brooks range and the days are getting noticeably shorter. Night even has returned for significant amounts of time. Winter is close. Moose season is 10 days away... mmmm... yummy moose. A yearly Alaskan ritual. Back to Black Eye Knob, the secret happy hunting grounds.
it is real good secret and idea