All I wanted for my birthday this year was one thing; To cup a wombat's ass. Mission accomplished. I feel like after this trip down under I really have hit a good stride. Not only with ukuleleing, but with my life. I mean... come on... who else can say they fondled a wombat? I'm as gitty as a school boy.

Don't ask me why because I wouldn't have a good answer for you, but the act of cupping a wombat's ass has always been a bucket list thing for me. Am I a strange dude? You know it. In Alaska we have a saying to encourage ladies to move up and meet the fellas. "The odds are good, but the goods are odd". I'm odd. There is no way to candy coat it.
After this uplifting experience I was ready to rock the Melbourne Ukulele Festival with a clear mind and focus that only a wombat's ass can give you. It is the little things in life which includes a wombat's bum.
I will be doing my post for the Melbourne Ukulele Festival soon! Stay tuned!
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