This is the time of year I slow down on out of town (Alaskan) gigs and get down to....hibernating. The short days are getting shorter and soon we will have less than 3 hours of light. That is when the real crazy begins. I use this time of the year to enjoy the winter things like riding my snowmachine and snowshoeing among others. However, this is the time of the year I do a ton of writing and learning of new material for my show. I think the long days inside because who wants to ride a snowmachine at -30 or below? Not this guy. So this is when I sit by the woodstove, play my kamaka since I could care less about it (from the first time I brought it to Alaska it has been dying -- Hawaiian instruments with no rods in the neck are a BAD IDEA for subarctic Alaska. Very BAD IDEA..... I went through a long depression when my Kamaka fell from grace and then was rescued by Tom Parse of Far North Ukuleles. Best ukuleles this side of the Pacific rim!
Big things are on the horizon though. International festivals this upcoming year (they will be announced soon and no...they aren't in Canada), tons of new gigs, and the Parks Highway Band will be growing to a four piece for some select shows. This is going to be a great year for this ukulele guy. Stay updated for more ukulele happenings in the last frontier!